Orange Flavored Love

Réalisé par Angela Alsouliman


In Mosul- Iraq, Nawal takes care of her ailing mother Samia. The mother’s condition gets worse as medicine is no longer available in the city. In the few days she has left, Nawal, her mother and their neighbour share small moments of joy. The ladies sing and dance, they use make-up and make scents, they tell jokes and laugh too hard. In the midst of illness, poverty and war, they manage to transform something dire into something joyful, creating beauty where ugliness strikes.
Orange Flavored Love is a sensory fiction drama full of smiles, colours and smells.

30min • 2023




Distribution technique
  • Scénario Angela Alsouliman
  • Mise en scène Angela Alsouliman
  • Image Diren Agbab
  • Son yossef Basshar
Membres de l'équipe déjà inscrit.e.x.s